Contact Us

Welcome to the Yamatogaku Offical Website.

Thank you for your interest in Yamatogaku

For inquiries, to purchase products, or to request a performance, please contact via the email form below or the Yamatogaku Head Office.

〒167-0051 東京都杉並区荻窪2-43-17-207
TEL/FAX 03-3393-3333   携帯 090-7220-0093

The office of Yamatogaku Headmaster
2-43-17-207, Ogikubo, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 167-0051, Japan
Tel/Fax: 03-3393-3333
Mobile: 090-7220-0093

※This website takes great care to protect the personal information of our customers. Although you may be asked to provide personal information on this site, we will manage it appropriately in accordance with laws regarding personal information.