CD & Sheet Music Books

大和楽 六撰集〜彩〜Irodori
Yamatogaku Selection of Six Pieces〜Irodori
♪花くらべ (Comparison of Flowers)
♪筏さし (Log Rafting)
♪春信描く(Drawings of Harunobu)
♪おちょぼ (Ochobo)
♪深雪 (Deep Snow)
♪江戸風流 (Hokusai’s Views of Edo)
Price JPY 2,300円 plus tax

The World of Yamatogaku【One】〜Yamato Hisamitsu〜
♪藤むらさき (Wisteria Purple)
♪鐘 (Temple Bell)
♪お祭り (Festival)
♪河 (River)
♪四季の花 (Flowers in the Four Seasons)
Price JPY2,000円 plus tax

The World of Yamatogaku【Two】〜Yamato Hisamitsu〜
♪うぐいす(Japanese Bush Warbler)
♪祇園の夜桜 (Cherry Blossoms at Night in the Gion)
♪七夕 (Tanabata)
♪かしく道成寺 (Kashiku Dojoji)
Price JPY2,000円 plus tax

The World of Yamatogaku【Three】〜Yamato Hisamitsu〜
♪あじさい (Hydrangea)
♪舟ゆらら (Rocking Boat)
♪浅草田圃 (Rice Paddies of Asakusa)
♪舞妓 (Maiko)
♪かくれんぼ (Hide and Seek)
♪宮戸川 (Miyato River)
♪恋ほたる (Fireflies of Love)
♪娘みこし (Young Women’s Shrine Procession)
♪あすなろうの詩〈花、月、雪〉(A Poem of Hope for the Future – Flower, Moon, Snow)
Price JPY2,000円 plus tax
配信用 ジャケット.png)
舞踊 大和楽~舞姿(上)
Yamatogaku Dances (Volume One)
Columbia Records 110 Anniversary Release
~Series of Traditional Musical Treasure~
♪寿 (Long Life)
♪松 (Pine)
♪舞 (Dance)
♪夢 (Dream)
♪梅 (Plum)
♪舟 (Boat)
♪城 (Castle)
♪雨 (Rain)
♪あやめ (Iris)
Purchase on Columbia Records Japan Website
【Limited Release】

舞踊 大和楽~舞姿(下)
Yamatogaku Dances (Volume Two)
Columbia Records 110 Anniversary Release
~Series of Traditional Musical Treasure~
♪河 (River)
♪団十郎娘 (The Danjuro Girl)
♪江戸祭 (Edo Festival)
♪おせん (Osen)
♪お祭 (Festival)
♪花吹雪 (Flower Petals Falling in the Wind)
Purchase on Columbia Records Japan Website
【Limited Release】

Yamatogaku〜Hitomoji Selection of Dances〜
♪寿 (Long Life)
♪夢 (Dream)
♪雨 (Rain)
♪舞 (Dance)
♪梅 (Plum)
♪舟 (Boat)
♪城 (Castle)
♪松 (Pine)
♪雪の降る街を (Snowfall in the Town)
Price JPY2,000円 plus tax
Only few copies remain

The Ukiyo-e of Hokusai’s Travels〜Through the Shamisen〜Yoshimura Isoshichi、aka Yamato Hisamitsu〜
♪富嶽三十六景 (36 Views of Mount Fuji)
♪浮世絵美人 (Ukiyo-e Beauties)
♪江戸風流 (The Fashions of Edo)
Price JPY2,000円 plus tax
Only few copies remain

♪初恋 (First Love)
♪こま (Spinning Top)
♪卯年の春〜月とうさぎ〜 (Year of the rabbit – The Moon and the Rabbit)
♪巳年の春〜金龍山の鐘〜 (Year of the Dragon – The Bell of Kinryuzan)
♪櫻舟 (Cherry Blossom Boat Ride)
♪六花傘 (Six Flower Umbrella)
Price JPY2,500円 plus tax
;Only few copies remain

♪春信描く (Drawings of Harunobu)
♪深雪 (Deep Snow)
♪おちょぼ (Ochobo)
♪明石の源氏 (Akashi Genji)
♪江戸風流 (The Fashions of Edo)
Price JPY2,500円 plus tax

♪武蔵野風月 (Moon Over Musashi Plain)
♪あやめ (Iris)
♪筏さし (Log Rafting)
♪日高櫻恋俤 (Cherry Blossoms of Hidaka and Vestiges of Love)
Price JPY2,500円 plus tax Only few remain

♪団十郎娘 (The Danjuro Girl)
♪春の弥生 (Yayoi of Spring)
♪花くらべ (Comparison of Flowers)
♪橋本 (Hashimoto)
Price JPY2,500円 plus tax Only few remain

♪宝船 (Treasure Boat)
♪こま (Japanese Top)
♪夕暮れ (Sunset)
♪隠り沼〜さぎ草の夢 (Hidden Marsh – The Dreams of Grasses)〜
Price JPY2,500円 plus tax Sold out

大和楽〜The Twelve Zodiac Signs〜Etoshirabe
♪子年の春〜新玉の賀 (New Year of the Rat )〜
♪丑年の春〜黒牡丹 (New Year of the Ox – Black Peony)
♪寅年の春〜夢と幻〜 (New Year of the Tiger – Dream and Apparition)
♪卯年の春〜月とうさぎ〜 (New Year of the Rabbit – Moon and Rabbit)
♪辰年の春〜落花流水〜 (New Year of the Dragon – Falling Petals, Flowing Water)
♪巳年の春〜金龍山の鐘〜 (New Year of the Snake – The Bell of Kinryuzan)
♪午年の春〜縁結び〜 (New Year of the Horse – Enmusubi)
♪未年の春〜相生の松〜 (New Year of the Goat – Aoi Pine )
♪申年の春〜孫悟空の夢〜 (New Year of the Monkey – The Dream of Songoku)
♪酉年の春〜長鳴鳥の舞〜 (New Year of the Rooster – Dance of the Crowing Chicken)
♪戌年の春〜犬張子〜 (New Year of the Dog – Paper Mache Dog)
♪亥年の春〜福男〜 (New Year of the Boar – Lucky Boy)
Price2,500円 plus tax Sold out
【Best of Yamatogaku – Shamisen Sheet Music】JPY3,000円(plus tax)

☆Volume 1
・あやめ (Iris)
・序の舞 (Jo no Mai)
・古跡の秋 (Autumn of the Ruins)
・江戸祭 (Edo Festival)
・狐 (Fox)
・扇売り (Fan Seller)
・むぎ笛 (Wheat Straw Flute)
・七夕 (Tanabata)
・恋の菅笠 (Straw Hat of Love)
・四季の花 (Flowers in the Four Seasons)

☆Volume Two
・早春 (Early Spring)
・砧 (Cloth Beating)
・祇園の夜桜 (Cherry Blossoms at Night in the Gion)
・うたまろ (Utamaro)
・藤むらさき (Wisteria Purple)
・花だより(The Flowers Have Bloomed)
・河 (River)

☆Volume Three
・おせん (osen)
・田植 (Rice Planting)
・蝶 (Butterfly)
・お春望郷 (Oharu Bokyo)
・明石町 (Akashi Town)
・四季のもの売り (Delicacies of the Seasons)
・砂引草の花 (Sunabikiso Flower)
・江戸風流 (Hokusai’s Views of Edo)

☆Volume Four
・鐘 (Bell)
・二日月夜 (Evening of the Second-day Moon)
・三十石の夜舟 (30 Koku Overnight Boat Ride)
・花を恋い (The Lover of Flowers)
・雪折竹 (Yukioredake)
・月慈童 (Moon Boy)
・かしく道成寺 (Kashiku Dojoji)